
The New Direction Trust Company Blog

reduce ubit

Refinancing Your IRA-Owned Real Estate to Reduc...

Real estate is a common investment choice for self-directed IRA account holders. Investors can translate pre-existing knowledge of the real estate market to their IRA investment strategy. Part of devising a long-term plan for your real estate IRA is understanding how refinancing your IRA-owned real estate can reduce UBIT or unrelated business income tax. Want to … Read More

inherited ira

Avoid Probate with an Inherited IRA

Self-directed IRAs accrue tax-advantaged or tax-free earnings. They can also be passed down to beneficiaries so that the fruits of your labor aren’t lost. Inherited IRAs leave your beneficiaries money and help them avoid the hassle and expenses of transferring the money through probate. Most trust accounts require probate upon the account owner’s death for … Read More

real estate with a 401(k)

Invest in Real Estate with a 401(k)

Real Estate With A 401(k) A Solo 401(k) operates in a similar manner to that of an employer-sponsored 401(k), except a Solo 401(k) holder would be the sole employee of his or her own business. In this regard, the account holder would simultaneously act as employee and employer when managing his or her Solo 401(k). As … Read More

ira-owned real estate

Can I Be the Property Manager for my IRA-Owned ...

Many self-directed investors who call our office ask, “Can I act as the property manager for my IRA-owned real estate?” The answer is yes, but there are several rules that must be followed in order to comply with IRS guidelines. Ready to invest in real estate with a tax-advantaged account? Click here to open a new account with … Read More

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