Luis used his IRA to invest in Real Estate

Luis bought a condo complex with his IRA

How did the process begin?
Outside of his corporate job, Luis enjoyed buying fixer-upper homes that he would then rent out to diversify his income.  

What made a self-directed investment interesting?
After listening to a presentation from his local real estate investing association, Luis was excited to realize he could invest his sizable retirement funds outside of the stock market and into an investment he understood and was passionate about.  

Why New Direction Trust Company?
By working with a financial custodian like NDTCO that empowered alternative investments like real estate, Luis was able to roll over funds from his corporate 401(k) into a self-directed IRA. NDTCO helped him learn how to manage his self-directed IRA and remain compliant by avoiding prohibited transactions, like sweat equity.  

What were the results?
By utilizing debt leverage, Luis was able to boost the purchasing power of his IRA to purchase a condo complex near his local ski resort for $800,000. In the first year of ownership, Luis achieved a 15% ROI in rental income that went directly into his IRA, which far exceeded his previous returns in the stock market. 

Jerry structured a loan with his IRA
Jerry structured a loan with his IRA.
Graph detailing Kathy's valuation growth after investing in pre-ipo
Kathy took ownership in a company pre-IPO with her IRA.